This board / association you are about to contact, has no affiliation with Waterford courtyard (North and South)

Please contact the management companies for those associations. Waterford homes is not able to assist you.

Contact Information last known for the townhomes:   

                                        Benchmark Property Management, Inc.

                                        7932 Wiles Road, Coral Springs, FL 33067

                                        Office: 954-344-5353    Fax: 954-344-5399


If the you are looking for information regarding courtyard properties, please use the contact information above. 

Please do not call the Waterford Homeowners Association phone number or email the Waterford Homes board of directors. We are not associated with Waterford Courtyards and cannot help you.


If you are sure you are trying to reach the board for the Waterford Homes (Not courtyards), please email the board.