[Email] Next MPO meeting, June 18, at 10 AM

Lu VencL lfv at pobox.com
Wed Jun 8 07:38:04 EDT 2016

The next meeting regarding the sawgrass express way  expansion to SW. 10th St. and I-95 meeting will be held June 18, Saturday morning at 10 AM at the deerfield Beach high school, located at: 
910 SW 15th St
Deerfield Beach, FL  33441
It is important that many people attend this meeting. The agenda is not clear at this moment, but we are nearing the point where a decision will be made on the type of designed highway for this project. The future of this project is in your hands, and it will have an impact to our community. How much? That remains to be seen, hence the reason of the importance of your attendance. 
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Lu Vencl

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