[Email] Please attend

Denise Bogner dkbogner at comcast.net
Sun Sep 15 11:09:11 CDT 2024

This is not about the extension of SW 10th Street from Sawgrass to I95 -

It is about creating Safe Streets along SW 10th Street.

Please attend


Thank you

Your Waterford Neighbor 



Safe Streets 4 Broward - SW 10th St Corridor Safety Improvements 

Broward County and the Broward Metropolitan Planning Organization (MPO) have
partnered to create the Safe Streets 4 Broward (SS4A) program, a Vision Zero
initiative designed to eliminate traffic fatalities in Broward County.
Through this, the Broward Regional Safety Action Plan (BSAP) is being
developed, which is a joint commitment between Broward County and the
Broward MPO to develop county-wide implementation strategies to prevent
roadway deaths and serious injuries with an emphasis on underserved
communities. Representatives from Broward County and the Broward MPO are
holding a kickoff meeting on Wednesday, September 18th, 2024, from 6:00 PM
-8:00 PM at the Hillsboro Community Center at HTC located at 50 Hillsboro
Technology Drive, Deerfield Beach, Fl 33441. 

Eleven priority corridors have been identified in Broward County for safety
improvement, and S.W. 10th Street is one of the eleven corridors to be
=&ch=-21CybZKg3H8qnw3E6j6r-nsczDo621vq6A-DIxZ50p9lZ49xckq5Q==> Read more

See below posted on City Web site:


Posted on: August 26, 2024

Safe Streets 4 Broward - SW 10th St Corridor Safety Improvements

Broward County and the Broward Metropolitan Planning Organization (MPO) have
partnered to create the Safe Streets 4 Broward (SS4A) program, a Vision Zero
initiative designed to eliminate traffic fatalities in Broward County.
Through this, the Broward Regional Safety Action Plan (BSAP) is being
developed, which is a joint commitment between Broward County and the
Broward MPO to develop county-wide implementation strategies to prevent
roadway deaths and serious injuries with an emphasis on underserved
communities. Eleven priority corridors have been identified in Broward
County for safety improvement, and S.W. 10th Street is one of the eleven
corridors to be identified. 


Representatives from Broward County and the Broward MPO are holding a
kickoff meeting on Wednesday, September 18th, 2024, from 6:00 PM -8:00 PM at
the Hillsboro Community Center at HTC located at 50 Hillsboro Technology
Drive, Deerfield Beach, Fl 33441.


A presentation on the Broward Safety Action Plan, the corridor safety
assessment, and an opportunity for comment will be part of the meeting. This
meeting will be the first public meeting to invite community members to
share their input on the project corridor based on their experience of the
roadway. Explore challenges, opportunities, and solutions with fellow
members of your community and the Broward Safety Action Plan project team!


The meeting will be in person only with no virtual component. Registration
is not required to attend or speak at the meeting.


For additional information regarding the kickoff meeting, contact
<mailto:ss4a at browardmpo.org> ss4a at browardmpo.org or go to
<http://safestreets4broward.org/> safestreets4broward.org.



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