[Email] Fwd: Hillsboro Canal Bank Stabilization Project Causes Confusion for Residents

Judith Stanich judithofdfb at gmail.com
Sat Sep 6 13:09:58 EDT 2014

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Bett's Email <bettwillett at gmail.com>
Date: Fri, Sep 5, 2014 at 7:16 PM
Subject: Hillsboro Canal Bank Stabilization Project Causes Confusion for
To: Woman's Club <bettwillett at gmail.com>

   FYI, Bett

 *From:* District 4 Commissioner Bill Ganz <listserv at civicplus.com>
*Sent:* Friday, September 05, 2014 6:27 PM
*To:* bettwillett at gmail.com
*Subject:* Hillsboro Canal Bank Stabilization Project Causes Confusion for

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District 4 Update - Hillsboro Canal Bank Stabilization Project Causes
Confusion for Residents

*Attention District 4 Residents:*

The City of Deerfield Beach and Commissioner Bill Ganz would like to update
residents on an incident that occurred this past Labor Day weekend along
the Hillsboro Canal.  Unbeknownst to city officials and staff the South
Florida Water Management District (SFWMD) began the process of removing
trees along the Hillsboro Canal as part of the Hillsboro Canal Bank
Stabilization Project.  After word from residents that SFWMD contractors
had begun to remove trees the City immediately shut the project down
because the organization failed to contact the city staff to schedule a
pre-construction conference prior to mobilizing on-site.

While the city understands the need for this project, the actions taken by
SFWMD were incredibly disappointing to City Officials, staff and residents,
who as far back as 18 months ago, sat through numerous meetings, conference
calls and public meetings regarding this very project.  In those meetings
there was great discussion over the need for transparency on all levels and
at all phases of the project. It was the City’s desire to be given ample
time to notify residents of the work that would be coming their way.  On
Wednesday, September 3rd a preconstruction conference was held with city
staff.  The contractor and SFWMD were strongly advised that it would be in
their best interests to wait until Monday, September 8, 2014, to recommence
construction in order for the city to properly notify residents.  For the
purposes of safety, the City is allowing the contractors to stockpile
existing downed trees throughout the weekend and construction will
recommence on September 8th.

The City of Deerfield Beach will continue to try to work with SFWMD
officials in order to get answers to the many questions residents have
regarding the project; answers that were promised to residents in previous
public meetings.

If you have any comments or concerns you are urged to contact SFWMD at the
contact information below. The following is additional information that
SFWMD has provided for residents about the Hillsboro Canal Bank
Stabilization Project.

*Hillsboro Canal Bank Stabilization Project Updates*

The South Florida Water Management District is responsible for operating
and maintaining the regional water management system that provides flood
control and protects water supplies for South Florida’s 7.9 million
residents. Flowing along the county line between Palm Beach and Broward
counties, the Hillsboro (G-08) Canal is a major component of the regional
system. The District has begun a multiyear effort to ensure a 10.5-mile
section of the canal can effectively move water as designed for another 50

*Repairs Needed to Ensure Flood Protection*

The SFWMD’s Operations, Maintenance and Construction Division conducts
regular inspections of the regional water management system — which
includes nearly 2,000 miles of canals — to prioritize projects necessary
for the system’s continued operation.

Through the inspection program, the District identified the need to repair
and protect the banks of the Hillsboro Canal. Over decades of service,
extended sections of the canal banks have eroded or detached from the bank
slope and fallen into the canal. These bank failures limit the flow of
water in the canal, creating the potential for flooding impacts in Palm
Beach and Broward counties during a major storm or hurricane.

Bank erosion is also known to contribute to the buildup of sediment around
coastal structures, such as the G-56 on the eastern end of the Hillsboro
Canal. Accumulated sediment needs to be removed to ensure that these
structures can provide adequate flood control protection.

The Hillsboro Canal Bank Stabilization Project will address these issues
through canal bank repairs and dredging that will improve the stability of
the canal banks and restore the canal to its intended capacity. The
District is designing a cost effective solution that will also maximize
flood protection for surrounding areas.

*Need to Clear Portions of the Right-of-Way*

The Hillsboro Canal’s right-of-way extends 40 feet or more landward from
the top of the canal bank. The placement of encroachments such as trees,
docks and fences within the District right-of-way requires a Right-of-Way
Occupancy Permit, which is a revocable license (Chapter 40E-6, Florida
Administrative Code). Some residents who live along the Hillsboro Canal
have planted vegetation or added structures such as boat docks within the
District’s right-of-way along the canal. Residents are being notified that
existing encroachments (e.g., docks, irrigation facilities, including pipes
and sprinklers) that are within the District’s canal right of way property
need to be removed for the canal banks to be stabilized; such encroachments
will not be salvageable. Residents may remove/salvage their encroachments
within the District’s right of way before the project starts. In addition,
it is the resident’s responsibility to disconnect any pump facilities or
associated facilities and/or provide for alternate irrigation needs. Upon
completion of the project, residents can reconnect their irrigation lines,
using the pipe sleeves that the District will provide free of charge;
residents can also apply for a permit and reinstall docks or other
facilities if permitted.

*A Right-of-Way Occupancy Permit:*

   - • Conveys no property rights to the permittee but acknowledges that
   the requested use is consistent with the applicable rules and District
   - • Is required prior to connecting with, placing structures in or
   across, discharging into or making use of the canal and levee system or
   “Works of the District” and certain other canals and works
   - • Can be revoked if the permitted use interferes or will interfere
   with the construction, alteration, operation or maintenance of present or
   proposed works or lands of the District
   - • Applies to rights-of-way acquired for the canal and levee system
   that makes up the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers’ Central and Southern
   Florida Project and other canals and works

*For More Information…*

More information on the Hillsboro Canal Bank Stabilization Project is
available at www.sfwmd.gov/pbco or call (561) 686-8800.

Broward County residents with questions may contact Lorraine Mayers, SFWMD
Outreach Representative, atlmayers at sfwmd.gov or (954) 452-4814, ext. 4989.

*Approximate Timeframe for Project Implementation*

   - Design – January 2012 through June 2014
   - Construction – June 2014 – October 2015
   - Section from west of Military Trail to US441/SR7

Thank you,

Bill Ganz
District 4 Commissioner


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